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v 3.0

Here is the third installment of the GurkoZ Productions website. This was a huge project compared with the two previous sites. A full year was spent on both planning and layout, and all GurkoZ spare time was devoted to getting this site out. It featured loads of more information and insight in GurkoZ Productions. Also a fully version of the Creation archive was introduced, with the ability to browse categories. At the time, the archive was created with standard html templates so the job of creating pages for all the about 300 images was a big challenge. It would prove in the end that this was not the best way to uphold a image archive, but it was just about the only solution with the present skills.

A lot of effort was put into making all the sections different in some way. Each with an own style and theme that had a huge impact on the site. Most of the material would consist of both textures from all over, and images of GurkoZ himself. This resulted in a lot of visitor complains that the site was packed with these images. But the fact that it was not just irelevant images, but the face of the man who created the entire site, apparently never occured to these people. If your not going to place pictures of yourself on a your own webpage, then where else?


Front page



Creation Archive


Design Guide

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Site Closed
Due to recent lack of time and the fact that I needed to get a perspective on where I was going I have decided to close this site down. The initial plan to simultaneously manage four sites proved in t...
Shifting focus
Back to drawing
After some time working with Graphical Sensations I will now again shift focus from web design to drawing. Quite some time and effort was put into upgrading the GSENS site so now it's time to get back...

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